There are many ways to print these parts dependent on your printer,software,your knowledge etc. Listed is how I went about it using Slic3rPE and Prusa i3 mk3 printer and a small number of parts using Makerbot replicator 2.
1,2,3,4,5,6, these parts make up the main chassis.

17 rear axle short (2),
18 rear axle centre,
19 bearing blank (2) ( if you are not using the 5mm by 16 mm bearing),
20 & 21 Rear Link arms
Chassis frame -you will need some bamboo skewers (3mm dia) or similar to
locate these parts. I also heat staked/welded them together
parts 17 and 19 are printed standing up

and i only used support up to the base
of the axle hole
12 & 13 floor printed standing on end support used , floors shown on chassis here
that completes parts 1 to 23 chassis,floor seats, front end
24 to 36
24 back . i adjusted the width of the support to 5 mm and printed at 0.2
25 & 26
bonnet/hood sides
27 bonnet / hood support used
29 roof support for only about 20 to 30 layers ( printing like this it got a bit hot and distorted the roof facing the build plate) so not sure what to do here just be aware)
31& 32 grill and surround uses support
31 is flat print with fine setting
mostly flat builds i used brim on the gear stick 37 and as it lifted.
Head lights use support. 46, 47
head light glass 43 printed standing up to get effect
50 to 57 V8 flathead blown twin carbs
Block and auto build on flat back
Heads standing or laying down
assembled picture
rear discs 60
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